Q1. Women are more prone to depression.

Studies have established sex related differentials in the distribution of mental disorders in India. While the prevalence of depressive disorders was significantly higher in females at 3.9% than in males which stood at 2·7%, of the 197·3 million people identified with mental disorders in India.

Source: Lancet Psychiatry 2020; 7: 148–61 Published Online December 23, 2019, https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpsy/article/PIIS2215-0366(19)30475-4/fulltext

Q2. Does depression occur in persons with drug sensitive TB?

A study to assess the magnitude of depression among persons with DS TB revealed prevalence of depression is about 49% in them which can increase to 54% in hospitalized persons with TB.

Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S240557942100070X

Q3. Sleeplessness is a common symptom of mental illness occurring in persons under TB treatment.

A cross-sectional study undertaken with TB infected persons in Bengaluru, India found that almost 17% of respondents experienced poor quality of sleep.

Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33169242/

Q4. Depression can influence adherence to TB medication.

Depression in persons with TB was found be to associated with negative treatment outcome in a study undertaken in Srinagar, that aimed to assess the magnitude and impact of depression among persons with TB.

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8637130/

Q5. One can recover completely from depression with proper treatment

With early diagnosis, psychosocial support and proper medication, one can recover completely from depression.