Our Unique DNA

Evidence Based Programs

Applying scientific knowledge to design and implement programs

Grassroots Community Connect

Keeping vulnerable communities at the centre of all programs

Government Partnerships

Forging strong partnerships to achieve health targets

Apply scientific knowledge to design and implement programs

Keeping vulnerable communities at the centre of all programs

Forging strong partnerships to achieve health targets

Our Focus

Our Role

Innovation & Ideation
Technical Support
Knowledge Translation

Our Role

Innovation & Ideation
Technical Support
Knowledge Translation

Intent Meets Impact


People covered through TB projects focusing on person-centred care and engagement with community structures and local governance


Vulnerable people, including the urban vulnerable, migrants, miners and tea garden workers reached through TB initiatives.


Adolescent girls reached through our work in adolescent health


Eligible couples, pregnant women and lactating mothers reached to improve MNCH outcomes


Adults screened for diabetes and hypertension


Most at risk populations and people living with HIV covered under HIV/AIDS projects

Events and Updates

July 6, 2024

KHPT invited to conduct qualitative research workshop for Bengaluru NGO working on youth

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June 27, 2024

IIPS professor speaks about measuring gender inequality in India at KHPT colloquium

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June 25, 2024

KHPT shares insights at Azim Premji University workshop on student field practice

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June 10, 2024

Dr Maithreyi Ravikumar, Strategic Lead, Adolescent Health, addresses Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Raj Fellows in Mysuru

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Our Milestones












In 2003, KHPT was founded with a single mission to reduce the prevalence of HIV in Karnataka, specifically among vulnerable communities.


Karnataka adopts Cash Transfer system instituted by KHPT for children affected by AIDS


70% of the state HIV interventions transitioned to community-based organizations of sex workers built by KHPT


Intensive penetration of programs results in the reversal of the HIV epidemic in Karnataka

MNCH learnings from Karnataka transitioned and scaled up in Uttar Pradesh


Two randomized control trials with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine highlight adolescent vulnerability to HIV and intimate partner violence among sex workers


Our work results in an 11-point reduction in Neonatal Mortality  and Infant Mortality in eight North Karnataka districts

HIV learnings enhance HIV programs of several African, Caribbean and South East Asian countries

Karnataka appoints high-level committee to develop a vulnerability reduction program for female sex workers based on our advocacy


Our woman-centred empowerment model to improve nutrition levels within disadvantaged households becomes a national learning initiative


Karnataka scales Kangaroo Mother Care Model piloted by KHPT in Koppal district


Government of India chooses KHPT as technical lead to conduct national vulnerability mapping exercise for adolescents

Central TB Division identifies KHPT as national technical partner for developing communication tools


Innovations in community engagement and patient care for TB chosen for scale up in four states through a USAID grant










Community Speaks

My husband had TB three times and died. He never took treatment properly; he would throw his medication in the gutter. I lost a valuable person. After getting TB, people think their life is over; they get depressed and stop eating. I can tell them that even though I have HIV, I have never got TB because I look after myself.


Secretary of the Navjyoti Network for Persons Living with HIV in Koppal.

The ASHA told me that even fathers can give KMC (Kangaroo Mother Care) to low birth weight babies. I then decided to support my wife and started giving KMC to my baby. It brought me and my baby together!

Nagaraj, Koppal district

I knew KMC means ‘keeping the low birth weight baby covered and keeping the baby next to the mother’. In 2016, I received exclusive training on KMC and there I learnt that KMC is much beyond this and how it benefits both mother and baby and also the practical sessions on KMC. Now I confidently speak about KMC and promote KMC in the community.

Lakkavva (Name changed), ASHA, Kustagi taluk.

Earlier, we were keeping TB patients away separately from the living area because of fear but now (after interacting with community health workers), we came to know that we are doing wrong. TB is a curable disease. If the person takes medicines regularly, there is no need to keep him separately.


President of Sri Sai Mahila Sangh, a Self-help Group partnering with KHPT in Koppal district.

I am motivated to work with the community as I feel one among them. They treat me with the utmost respect and dignity. I work in slums where people live in poverty and I feel good when I can enlighten them through knowledge and help patients get cured of TB.


A community health worker who worked with KHPT in Bengaluru during the THALI project.

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Small steps from us can result in a giant leap for communities at the grassroots.
You can partner with us in many ways to make a difference.

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