The Knowledge Management (KM) unit  at KHPT organized a session on ‘COVID and Mental Health’ on November 30  as part of the colloquium series, which is intended to be a platform for staff to share their knowledge and experiences with the rest of the organization.

Counsellors from the Sahita Careline centres in Mysuru, Dharwad and Bengaluru shared their experiences of counselling  COVID patients to overcome grief, anxiety,  and  suicidal thoughts, and emphasized the importance of  confidentiality and active listening in supporting patients. The session was anchored by Ms. Sunitha BJ, Project Lead, Sahita  Careline,  followed by a presentation by Dr. Karthikeyan, Thematic Lead- TB. Dr Karthikeyan  emphasized the need to seek help and reiterated that humans are vulnerable to issues of mental health, but are also resilient. The session also touched upon the multi-layered impact of the pandemic on  relationships and existing mental health conditions.

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